units is an extensive measuring unit (time/weight/distance/etc and many other physical units) conversion library.

Homepage: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/novak/units.html

Author: Gordon S. Novak Jr.

License: GPL

From the comments in the code:

; Examples of unit conversion:  (glconvertunit from to)
; (glconvertunit 'mile 'foot)
; (glconvertunit 'kilogram 'lb)
; (glconvertunit '(/ (* atto parsec) (* micro fortnight)) '(/ inch second))
; (glconvertunit '(* acre foot) 'teaspoon)
; (glconvertunit '(/ (* 2000 kilo calorie) day) 'watt)    ; average human power
; (glconvertunit '(* 100 kgf 4 m) '(* kilo calorie)) ; calories to climb stairs
; the following require (setq *glunitenable* t)
; (glconvertunit 'kilogram 'lbf)          ; mass to weight
; (glconvertunit 'gram 'kilowatt-hour)    ; mass to energy

; Examples of unit simplification:
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ meter foot))
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ joule watt))
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ joule horsepower))
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ (* kilogram meter) (* second second)))
; (glsimplifyunit 'atm)
; (glsimplifyunit 'atm 'english)
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ (* amp second) volt))
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ (* newton meter) (* ampere second)))
; (glsimplifyunit '(/ (* volt volt) (* lbf (/ (* atto parsec) hour))))

Read more at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/novak/units.html