Smackjack is a small AJAX web framework written in Common Lisp. Basically Smackjack allows browser code call lisp functions via ajax and get a return value. Currently runs under Hunchentoot web server but there are plans to allow other web servers. It was a fork of HT-SIMPLE-AJAX and inspires to be a replacement to the unmaintained and out of date HT-AJAX.

Differently than those two libraries, this one depends on PARENSCRIPT to generate client-side javascript and allows greater flexibility in generated javascript. Current version is compatible with HT-SIMPLE-AJAX but it lacks some features of HT-AJAX . The following features are addition to those available in HT-SIMPLE-AJAX:

  • AJAX via Post as well as Get
  • response can be text, xml or json.
  • optional javascript namespaces to encapsulate generated javascript functions.
  • The arguments of the functions can be treated by cl-json before calling the function.

The code also contains a "pusher" subclass. This allows a lisp function call indirectly a javascript function defined in your lisp code by parenscript but runs in the browser. Basically the opposite of SmackJack. This is achieved by adding a simple polling mechanism. Future development may include long polling.

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