cl-async-future is a future (or "promise") implementation that allows a simple abstraction for values that may or may not be available yet. It is particularly useful for transforming CPS-style code into (what appears to be) stack-based programming (this example uses cl-async):

;;; make-future and alet are part of the cl-async-future package (defun timer (seconds &key threaded) "Fire an asynchronous timer" (let ((future (make-future))) (as:delay (lambda () (finish future t)) :time seconds)) future)) (as:with-event-loop () (format t "starting timer!~%") (alet ((done (timer 2))) ;; 2s pause (format t "done!~%")))

Here's we run an asynchronous operation which would normally need a callback, and replace it with what looks like real lisp code (in this case "alet").

cl-async-future comes with a full set of macros to abstract asynchronous programming and make it more natural (including error handling).

cl-async-future has been superseded by blackbird.

Topics: obsolete